This is Burns

We are…
Engaging with the Holy Spirit’s mission and transforming lives in our community by immersing ourselves in the places Jesus’ healing is needed: jails, recovery facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, and wherever pain is present.
Your Attractive Heading
We go…
wherever lives have been disrupted by natural disasters, or when the opportunity arises to support others who are fulfilling the Lord’s mission.

We care…
for people where they are, remembering the grace that was shown to us by the One who gave Himself up so that we may have the abundant life.

We build…
opportunities to share the compassion of Jesus by looking near and far to see what’s possible with God’s help.

We love…
by joining in prayer with our surrounding communities and seeking wisdom as to how we can be a part of the solutions our neighbors require to see Jesus more clearly.
Sound Like Home?
Do you have a desire to serve? Is Jesus calling you to a community with a passion for outreach and justice?