gap group

small group

On MISSION Together

We are a group of people on a mission to love and serve the way Jesus did. We have no other motive than for you to find a community in which you can find healing, respite, and encouragement. One of our core convictions is that we can’t tell people about the love of Christ if we haven’t experienced it.

Get To Know Us!

Getting to know the church that meets in Burns is simple. Find us out in the community serving with our friends at local nonprofits or gathering for times of focused, fun fellowship. Click the button to learn more!

Serve with Us

Find a community of Christians to serve alongside in Middle Tennessee. Meet us for a time of worship and fellowship.

Sunday – 1st Service8:15-9:15 AM
Sunday – 2nd Service10:30-11:30 AM
Wednesday Morning10:30-11:30 AM
Wednesday Night6:00-7:45 PM

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